In The Garden Essays on Nature and Growing

It is a dark grey day here; the wind freezes my extremities as I plant on my carefully loved and tended to “Love- In – A Mist” also known as Nigella Damascena but my five year old loves calling it by its more amusing name. I even have a video of him singing a song he had made up in homage to it. Returning to this morning where the sun was brief and passed rapidly, I walked up and down the swerving stone garden path to the compost, filling my pots and placing a dibber gently in to retrieve

My mind is buzzing with ideas. It’s not constant but when ideas for writing arrive they bombard my mind, flood me and overwhelm. It’s as though I’ve been buzzing along on a specific frequency and suddenly start feeling a shift, like short wave to long. So I’m going to just go ahead and start writing before the radio/ transmitter I obviously have in my head starts doing strange things and I forget to write at all. There have been posts that I had planned on thumping out on the computer and for whatever reason or the other; my fingers
Reading, Listening, Yearning

Finding energy lately has been pretty hard, a lot of it was spent on worry, looking after children and hoping and dreaming on a new home outside of London. I’ve managed to catch up on some reading, zilch writing but dreaming even if it’s all so fuzzy. I still manage to do it albeit tinted with much frustration and anxiety. It does seem to take me a long time to do anything, it took me over a month to answer a list of questions a fellow writer sent me on motherhood and creativity but I eventually managed it. It

I’ve returned. Returned from a magical holiday in Sussex where we stayed on a little farm with an orchard, twenty minutes away from two seaside locations and I have to tell you, it has reignited a great wildness in my heart. Every evening after our dinner as the farmers packed up their day’s labour Ayla asked for “orchard” never had red ruby spheres brought such joy to her as she pointed out the cooking apples from the eating ones and crunched on apples she had picked herself. As sheep grazed then scattered from beneath the trees, the sun would slowly
What a sublime nose dripping, finger numbing, eyes streaming, chilly day. Each sense was opened and each used breath could be traced out of the nostril and mouth in a plume of vapour. The day was filled the mother toddler song, ” please put your bobble hat on, it’s collllllld” and in reply was “no pleaaase” and sometimes she did, sometimes she didn’t. We moved our feet through thick mud with enjoyment, something I never grew out of. In one moment there was rain, the next exhilarating cold then a flash of sunshine. Once our fingers were beyond numb and
Interview | Lucy AitkenRead She’s an advocator of children’s rights; attachment and gentle parenting, feminist awareness, eco responsibilitscreenall things important in the world. Her blog and message is always full of hope and is unavoidably infectious. Any first time parent with wobbly thoughts should be pointed in the direction of her blog and allow that positivity to seep through. Her blog is one of the most influential, authentic reads I have happened across online and couldn’t go without sharing it with you. Lucy was kind enough to spare me some time to answer a few questions on parenting style, writing
What a day! How dizzying and utterly uplifting the sun can be! Just its very prresence fed the spring in my step as the toddler & I took our morning jaunt. Her new understanding is “tree” with great excitement- we touch the tree and crane our necks upwards following its branches to the sky, to the most gorgeous blue sky, if only I could truly describe the excitement on her face, if only!
Last weekend the promise of fine weather had us dashing out of the house in haste! I’m sure we weren’t the only ones! Each time the sun puts his hat on, I hear myself saying ‘this could be the last day of summer’ even though summer waved goodbye ages ago and autumn rolled on in. After checking a list of places I desire to go to on my phone which I have high hopes of being 100% baby friendly ; they must allow my little one to walk freely as that is what she loves to do these days, that
October has a funny way of suddenly happening, I think I say that each year. Yesterday as the baby and I took a walk in the grey half-light of autumn (she slept in the carrier) I spied fallen conkers and watched squirrels chase each other through piles of leaves upon the ground then up and away into the trees which are becoming bare and therefore altering the light upon the landscape, as the light now has wide gaps to pass through. The day begins to yawn and say goodnight at 6 in the evening, pushing our clocks
It’s in the title, the little one insists on me leaving the house, she does not care for a writer’s solitary lifestyle of which I’ve been accustomed to. My misanthropic endeavours have been thwarted by this cute, friendly eager being who smiles at every stranger, beguiling them with her enchanting powers! I find myself talking to strangers (usually other mothers) more than ever and nodding to passengers on the bus as my baby decides to act out a loud, hysterical monologue (god I love her). This little being who can now pull herself up to stand, wishes to do so…all